We are looking forward to sharing the latest installment of our “Why did you become a Freemason?” series.
What is this series, you ask? Each Mason has their own unique connection to Freemasonry and a reason why they decided to join the Brotherhood. That’s why we asked the question on Facebook a few weeks ago: Why did you become a Freemason?
We received an overwhelming response and so many wonderful stories that we couldn’t help but want to share with the Ohio Masonic community. This is Part III of our series but feel free to go back and read Part I and Part II if you haven’t already. We’re sure you will be as inspired by these stories as we were.
If you’d like to share your answer to “Why did you become a Freemason?”, send us your story at OhioLodgeLife@Freemason.com
“After my Leukemia went into remission I want to serve my community outside of my church. I researched all the civic organizations like the Lions, Rotary, and such but did not find anything of interest. I finally saw the tag line, “Making Good Men Better.” I called the local Masonic Temple for information and then petitioned the lodge. One of the best decisions I have made.” – Mic Becerra
“I wanted to be a part of a brotherhood that stood for something. One where I could lock arms with others who were committed to pursue the best version of themselves.” – James Hailey
“I am 20 years old waited for 5 years to become a mason like my grandfather, he would tell me stories, and he prepared me for life, and how to be a better man, I wanted to be like my grandfather, tried going into the army like him and got cut because of asthma, I wanted to be a medic like him so I got my emt license and am going after my medic, I wanted to be a better man and live and learn like him for five years I stayed in contact with the secretary of the lodge then on 19 birthday I did my application, when I went through my initiation, my heart start to cry for I was following in his footsteps, ever since that day my heart beats proudly and I know my grandfather is with me. As I do my journey he smiles down from heaven, ever since that day my heart beats even prouder.” – Corey Jones
“I had always seen the lodges in my local town, but never knew anything about it. I had heard my grandpa had been a Freemason, but he passed before I had a chance to be invited. I waited years before I heard someone speaking to another brother and commented I had always been curious and was given a petition the very next day. I wish I could have sat in lodge with my Grandpa, but have been learning more about him from those that knew him. Six years later, I am sitting in the east for a second time and have had the honor of raising my own brother at our inspection last year.” – John T Morgan
“I have always been involved in the community, serving on Volunteer Fire Department, Village council etc. I have also been a student of local history. A member of council mentioned one time that the lodge in town may merge with another local lodge. This disturbed me. I knew that the local lodge was one of the oldest organizations in town. I knew that many members of my family had belonged to the lodge, including my 3rd great-grandfather who was the second Master. I had a childhood friend, who had joined a lodge in another state ask me if I had ever considered joining Lodge. At that time I told him I didn’t think I would have the time to dedicate to it, a short time later my brother had asked me the same question, to which I gave him the same answer. I then started a new job and one of my co-workers had seen a machinist sticker on my lunch box , after which he asked me a couple of questions. When I realized what he was asking me I informed him that it was a machinist sticker not a masonic sticker. He then asked me if I’d ever considered joining and he thought that I would make a good Mason. I figured if I had three people ask me, or mention it to me within 2 years, I thought maybe I ought to join. I then approached my brother and ask him for a petition to join. I like most people had heard all the stories about what went on in the building down the street with no windows. As a child growing up in town I had seen the people going into that building, many of them I knew . Sunday school teachers, my kindergarten teacher, neighbors and friends and other people in the community. Knowing the character of these people I knew that it couldn’t be that bad of a organization and that if by me joining, helped keep the lodge in town then I wanted to be a part of it. After joining, I discovered there was much more to it than what I had ever imagined. The history, the Brotherhood, camaraderie and constant learning. Making new friends and connecting with old friends. Realizing that, what went on inside that “Old building with no windows” had a lot to do with what went on in all of the other community organizations. Proud to be a FREEMASON” – Michael K. Miser
“I approached a friend who I admired about freemasonry who is now my brother. I wanted to be a better man. I wish I would have done it sooner. I can remember being in my late teens driving by the lodge wondering what goes on in that building. I knew masons and had no clue that they were masons.” – James Brown

“After my grandfather (a mason)passed I became a mason. I am 4th or 5th generation mason. Family records only go back so fat that’s why not sure if 4th or 5th generation. I have served my lodge and became PM if my lodge. Now I’m currently 2nd year as Illustrious Master of our local Council. I have been a member since 08. Making good men better.” – Dwight Williams
“My best friend belonged so I ask him about it and got a petition to join best thing I ever did lots of great memories almost 50 years ago now.” – Bill Kenter
“I became a Freemason because my uncle was a Freemason. As a kid it was something that we all wanted to know about and he would never tell us anything. So I guess it is something that always intrigued me and when I finally asked the right person that was that. I have been enjoying my journey ever since.” – George William Leightenheimer
We are always interested in hearing your Masonic stories! Share yours with us by emailing OhioLodgeLife@Freemason.com.