Senior Grand Warden Bro. Steve Grindle pictured with his wife, Jane Anne Grindle
The 2021 Masonic year is coming to a close. As we celebrate our achievements of charitable Relief and Brotherly Love , we also celebrate our dedicated leaders who ensure our success. Read on to learn more about Bro. Steve Grindle, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden.
What inspired you to join Ohio Freemasonry, and which lodge are you part of?
I grew up in a Masonic Family. Both my grandfathers were Masons, as well as my father and an uncle. My grandmothers, mother, and aunts were Eastern Stars. As a boy I went to lodge with my Grandfathers for holiday parties and other events. I joined Freemasonry because my Grandmother said to me one day that my grandfather would not ask me to join the lodge, that I needed to ask him if I wanted to join. So, I asked and started my journey joining Toledo Fort Industry Lodge #144.
Tell us about a time where you had the most fun at lodge or with your Brothers.
There have been many enjoyable experiences at lodge and with my Brothers. I think one of the best times was not at lodge, but at our lodge’s first sporting clay shoot. We just had a great time and I look back on that day with a smile. It was a blast!
What is the best part of Ohio?
The people!
What does GM Dickerschied’s theme “Use the Tools” mean to you, and how are you putting this into practice in 2021?
Our Grand Masters theme means that we have many tools at our disposal in life and that we should use the tools we need to accomplish whatever we are trying to do, whether that task is in our work life, personal life, or Masonic travels.
What has your current role taught you about being a Mason and a leader?
Serving as a Grand Lodge Officer these past six years has taught me a great deal. Each year, as we progress through the Grand Lodge Line, we serve in a different role and it exposes us to many things. If I had to pick one thing I would say that it is to be flexible.
What are some of the challenges of your position?
I would say the biggest challenge is time management. With a full time job, traveling for Grand Lodge, and spending time with family and friends, it is important to manage your time and your priorities.
Tell us about your most unexpected experience as a Mason.
Being asked to serve as Junior Grand Deacon and serving the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
Can you describe the most significant impact Freemasonry has had on your life? How has the community impacted you?
When I joined Freemasonry, I could have never imagined where it would take me. My journey has been amazing and I have enjoyed every step of the way. I have developed life long friendships traveling the State of Ohio that I never would have otherwise. It has been a fantastic journey so far.
Is there someone in your life that inspires you to be a better Mason?
My wife! Jane Anne is always there for me, supporting, assisting, and inspiring me. She is with me every step of the way.
If you were to give advice to your Ohio Brethren as we head into the fall, what would you say?
Keep doing what you have been doing. Live your life by your Masonic values, be an example to the world, and help build our Brotherhood.