The presentation of 50, 60, 65, 70, and 75-year awards (pins) and certificates in recognition of years of membership is an important responsibility for every Lodge. These are awarded BY THE GRAND LODGE, but administered each local Lodge for its own members. Because these are Grand Lodge presentations, a Grand Lodge representative should be involved, according to these recommended minimum guidelines:
- 50-year presentations – District Deputy Grand Master or Past District Deputy Grand Master
- 60-year presentations – District Deputy Grand Master or Grand Lodge Officer
- 65-year presentations – District Deputy Grand Master or Grand Lodge Officer
- 70-year presentations – Grand Lodge Officer or Past Grand Master
- 75-year presentations – Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officer, or Past Grand Master
The 25-, 35-, and 40-year pins are NOT presented by the Grand Lodge, but are the gift of the local Lodge, if the Lodge chooses to do so. Therefore, a Grand Lodge representative is not required for these presentations. Lodges may purchase these pins directly from the Grand Secretary’s office, 800-292-6092.