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2023 – Steven M. Grindle

Steven Michael Grindle was born in Toledo, Ohio on June 15, 1964, to Rebecca Ann and Lawrence Francis Grindle. He graduated from Bedford High School in 1982. Steve met his wife, Jane Anne, while attending college at the University of Toledo. They both graduated in 1988: Steve with a Bachelor of Business Administration and Jane Anne with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Comprehensive Sciences. They were married on June 25, 1988, at First Congregational Church in Toledo, Ohio. In 1985, while attending college, Steve began working at Champion Credit Union, Inc. as a customer service representative. During his tenure with Champion Credit Union, he worked in various positions over the years; he is currently serving as the President/Chief Executive Officer. Steve does all that he can to embody the philosophy of the Credit Union, “People helping People” by participating in many community events like Habitat for Humanity, Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis Walks, Pumpkin Path at the Toledo Zoo, as well as coordinating Finance 101 in several local high schools.

Steve and Jane Anne have two children, Suzette and Michael. Steve enjoys spending time with his family and camping. He also likes gardening, grilling, and watching NASCAR on Sundays. Steve and Jane Anne enjoy socializing with their masonic friends during their travels around the state as members of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, as well as staying in touch with their non-masonic friends by attending “Friday Night Dinners.”

Most Worshipful Brother Grindle was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in March 2003 in Toledo Fort Industry Lodge #144. He served the lodge in various capacities until being elected and installed as Worshipful Master in 2008. Most Worshipful Brother Grindle is an honorary member of Western Phoenix Lodge #42, Science Lodge #50, Phoenix Lodge #123, Grand Rapids Lodge #289, East Palestine Lodge #417, Pleasant Valley Lodge #531 and John W. Durst Lodge #716. He is also a Past Master of Lucas County Memorial Lodge

Other Masonic affiliations include York Rite memberships, where he is a member of Fort Meigs Chapter #29 – Past High Priest, Toledo Council #33 – Past Illustrious Master, Toledo Commandery #7 – Past Commander, Ohio Priory #18, St. Thomas Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, Blackstone York Rite College #195, and Prince of Peace Tabernacle X Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests.

He is a member of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Toledo, having served as Sovereign Prince for the Northern Light Council Princes of Jerusalem. Most Worshipful Brother Grindle was coronated a 33° by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in Cleveland, Ohio in August 2021.

Most Worshipful Brother Grindle is a member of O Ton Ta La Grotto, Zenobia Shrine, Past Masters Unit of Zenobia Shrine, Turkeyfoot Council Allied Masonic Degrees – Past Sovereign Master, Palestine Chapter Order of Eastern Star, and National Sojourners Cleveland Chapter #23. He also received the DeMolay Legion of Honor in July 2021.

Most Worshipful Brother Grindle served as District Deputy Grand Master in October 2009 until October 2012. In 2014, he was appointed District Advisor for the Illustrious Eleventh Masonic District, and he served in that capacity until October 2016. In October 2015, at the Grand Lodge of Ohio Annual Communication held in Columbus, Ohio, Right Worshipful Brother Grindle was appointed to the office of Junior Grand Deacon by Most Worshipful Brother Robert C. Rill Jr. He was subsequently appointed as Senior Grand Deacon, Grand Marshal, and Grand Orator. He was elected Junior Grand Warden in Marietta in 2019, Senior Grand Warden in Wilmington in 2020, Deputy Grand Master in Sharonville in 2021, and honored to be elected to serve the Brethren of the great State of Ohio as Grand Master, installed in Columbus on October 28, 2022.

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