M. W. Brother Thomas A. Reber was born on a farm near Upper Sandusky, Ohio, on January 20, 1899, the son of Albert Reber and Martha Bowman Reber. A rural school in Pitt Township, Wyandot County and the elementary school in Eau Gallie, Florida, provided his early education. Thereafter he was graduated from Upper Sandusky High School (1917) and the Ohio State University (B.Sc. Agriculture, 1922).
Following his graduation he became associated with the First National Bank of Upper Sandusky organized in 1863 by his grandfather who was its first president. In 1925, the illness of his father required him to take over the management of the latter’s farm, a work he was to continue throughout his life. In 1932, he became president of the bank. Upon its merger in 1946 with the Citizens Savings Bank, he became president of the merged institution.
On November 16, 1923, he was married to Wave Schoenberger of Upper Sandusky; two sons and one daughter were born of the marriage. M. W. Brother Reber was an active member of Upper Sandusky Lodge of Elks, and of Alpha Gamma Rho. During World War II he was chairman for his county for the sale of war bonds. From 1944 to 1948 he served as a member of the Ohio Postwar Planning Commission. For four years he was a member of the council of Upper Sandusky.
M. W. Brother Reber was initiated April 13, 1920, passed November 16, 1920, and raised December 14, 1920, in University Lodge No. 631, Columbus, Ohio. He dimitted to Warpole Lodge No. 176 on July 18, 1922, and was its Master in 1927.
He was exalted in York Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., Columbus, Ohio, on February 17, 1921, and affiliated with McCutchen Chapter No. 96, Upper Sandusky, on June 27, 1922, serving as High Priest in 1929-1930.
He was received March 3, 1921, in York Council No. 115, R.&S.M., Columbus, became a Super Excellent Master on May 19, 1921, and affiliated with Upper Sandusky Council No. 98 on November 14, 1922. He served as Illustrious Master in 1925-1926.
The orders of the Red Cross and Knight of Malta were conferred on him and he was knighted in Marion Commandery No. 36, K.T. on March 27, 1924. He was Eminent Commander in 1932.
The degrees of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, N. M. J., were conferred on him in the Valley of Columbus in April 1921. In January, 1929, He dimitted to .the Valley .of Toledo where he served as Sovereign Prince of Northern Light Council, Prince of Jerusalem m 1944-1945. He was coronated an honorary member of the Supreme Council 33° at Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 25, 1940.
He was a member of Aladdin Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., Columbus, an honorary member of Tadmor Temple, Akron and Zenobia Temple, Toledo. He was also a member of St. Jerome Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, Order of High Priests, Order of the Silver Trowel, Knights of the York Cross of Honor, and an honorary member of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon and of more than fifty Symbolic Lodges.
In the Grand Lodge, he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixteenth Masonic District, serving from 1936-1941. In 1944 and 1945 he was Grand Tyler. In 1945 he became Junior Grand Deacon and in successive years occupied the offices of Senior Grand Deacon, Grand Marshal, Grand Orator, Junior Grand Warden, Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master. On October 17, 1952, he was elected and installed as Grand Master of Masons in Ohio.
He was chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Ways, Means, and Accounts. As an appointee of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite he served as a trustee of The Ohio Masonic Home Fund until his death. From 1956 he was its treasurer.
M. W. Brother Reber departed this life in the early hours of May 31, 1967.