M. W. Brother John Rouzer Flotron was born in Dayton, Ohio, on April 1, 1871. He received his education in the Public Schools of Dayton.
He was associated with his grandfather in the contracting, planing mill, and lumber business. At the death of his grandfather, he successfully conducted the business for a number of years.
On April 19, 1893, he married Miss Am1a L. Miller, to which union two sons: John R., Jr., and Leo F. Flotron were born.
He was a member of Christ Episcopal Church, Dayton, Ohio, and had served for a number of years as Vestryman and Treasurer.
In 1917, he became City Agent in the City of Dayton for the Union Central Life Insurance Company, being promoted to the office of City Manager the following year. He was appointed Assistant Manager for Western Ohio in 1919. In 1925 he became associated with Illustrious Brother Robert I. Clegg in the Masonic History Company of Chicago, Illinois. On the death of Brother Clegg, he succeeded to the presidency of that company, which position he held at the time of his death.
He had served as President of the Miami Valley Hospital and the Associated Charities of Dayton; President of the Ohio Shippers Association; a member of the Advisory Committee of the Young Women’s Christian Association; a member for six years of the first City Commission under the Commissioner-Manager form of government.
He had ever been active in promoting civic and fraternal life by being identified with many of the clubs of Dayton.
He was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Mystic Lodge No. 405, Dayton, Ohio, July 10, 1894, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, September 25, 1894, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, October 15, 1894. He filled all the offices of the Lodge, serving as Worshipful Master in 1911.
He was made a Mark Master in Unity Chapter No. 16, R. A. M., Dayton, Ohio, November 5, 1894; Past Master, November 26, 1894; Most Excellent Master, November 26, 1894, and Royal Arch Mason, December 6, 1894. He served his Chapter as High Priest in 1915.
He was made a Royal Master and Select Master, January 4, 1895, and Super Excellent Master, February 1, 1895, in Reese Council No.9, R. & S. M., Dayton, Ohio.
He was created a Knight Templar in Reed Commandery No. 6, K. T., Dayton, Ohio, March 19, 1895. He was elected and served as Eminent Commander in 1913. He represented the Grand Commandery of Ohio as Trustee of the Ohio Masonic Home for six years from January 1, 1913.
In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, he received the degrees in Gabriel Lodge of Perfection, November 14, 1895; Miami Council, Princes of Jerusalem, November 15, 1895; Dayton Chapter of Rose Croix, November 15, 1895, and became a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 32°, in Ohio Consistory, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 25, 1897. He was a Charter Member of Dayton Consistory, S. P. R. S., 32°, Dayton, Ohio, when it was instituted November 2, 1907. He served as Most Wise Master of Dayton Chapter Rose Croix, and Commander-in-Chief of Dayton Consistory. He was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member of the Supreme Council, A. & A. S. R., at Boston, Massachusetts, September 21, 1909.
He was a Charter Member of Antioch Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Dayton, Ohio, and served as Potentate in 1904.
In the Grand Lodge of Ohio, he served two years as District Lecturer; appointed Grand Marshal, October, 1914; Grand Orator, October, 1916; was elected Junior Grand Warden, October 18, 1917; Senior Grand Warden, November 27, 1918; Deputy Grand Master, October 16, 1919; he was elected M. W. Grand Master, October 21, 1920.
After a lingering illness, our esteemed friend and Brother, M. W. Brother John Rouzer Flotron, passed into the Great Beyond on April 25, 1939, his body was interred in Woodlawn Cemetery, Section 87, Lot 774, Dayton, Ohio.