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1905 – Clifford Gilbert Ballou

M. W. Brother Clifford Gilbert Ballou, son of Oscar and Lina Eastwood Ballou, was born on September 10, 1865, in Waterville, Ohio. He attended the public schools of Waterville and completed his education in Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, graduating with the class of 1888. While attending university his pre-eminent character brought him the distinction of membership in the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

With a predilection for teaching, he made that profession his life’s business. Immediately upon leaving university he was appointed principal of the Toledo Grammar School. His merit and ability brought to him the position of principal of the Toledo High School, in which capacity he served for sixteen years, when he was accorded the further honor of being made superintendent of the public schools of Toledo. On severing his connection with the schools his interest in educational matters continued in his capacity as a member of the County Board of Teacher Examiners.

He then retired to the place of his birth, where he continued in the real estate business until the time of his death. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Waterville. He ever evinced a keen interest in the political affairs of all the parties of the nation, while he continued loyal to the Republican Party, with which he had always been identified.

On June 29, 1892, he married Miss Cora A. Shoemaker, of Waterville, Ohio and to this union one son and two daughters were born. Their only son died when seven years old.

M. W Brother Ballou was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Wakeman Lodge, No, 522, F. & A. M., Waterville, Ohio, on October 10, 1885, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, November 24, 1885 and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, December 8, 1885. He served his Lodge as Junior Warden in 1890, and Worshipful Master in 1892 and 1893.

He was a member of Fort Meigs Chapter, No. 29, R. A. M.; Toledo Council, No. 39, R, & S. M.; and Toledo Commandery, No.7, Knights Templar, all of Toledo, Ohio. In the Scottish Rite he received the degrees in Miami Lodge of Perfection, 14°, February 4, 1891; in Northern Light Council Princes of.] Jerusalem, 16°, February 5,1891; Ft. Industry Chapter Rose Croix, 18°, February 5, 1891, of Toledo; Lake Erie Consistory Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, 32°, February 13, 1891, at Cleveland, Ohio. He became a charter member of Lake Erie Consistory, 32°, Toledo, in September 1895. He served Ft. Industry Chapter Rose Croix, 18°, as Most Wise Master in 1910.

In the Grand Lodge of Ohio M. W. Brother Ballou served as Grand Marshal in 1900. He was elected Junior Grand Warden in 1901; Senior Grand Warden, 1902; Deputy Grand Master, 1903; and Most Worshipful Grand Master in 1904.

On March 13, 1931, M. W. Brother Ballou died in Toledo Hospital. His funeral was conducted at Waterville on March 16, 1931 by officers of The Grand Lodge of Ohio. Internment was in Wakeman Cemetery, Old Section, Lot 233, Waterville, Ohio.

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