Becoming an Ohio Freemason means upholding the values of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth through actions large and small. In response to the national pandemic of the Coronavirus, our brotherhood has put their commitment to caring for their communities across the state of Ohio and the country front and center. To recognize and inspire others to live up to the call, we’re introducing a new series called Stepping Into the Light, a nod to both MWB Newton’s initiative set forth at the beginning of his term and to how you have all lifted others up during this trying time.
As we receive more stories, we will share them with you in an effort to keep us connected and bring a bit of joy to your day. Continue reading to discover how brethren across the state are Stepping in the Light and how our Masonic values are being displayed.

Cincinnati-Lafayette Lodge #483 & their Coronavirus Assistance Program
The Worshipful Master and the Lafayette Escadrille (Lodge members under the age of 50) are offering their assistance for those that find themselves short on food and supplies, are unable to get out on their own, or don’t have family to shop for them. The brothers are doing the shopping for those who can’t by purchasing $50.00 worth of groceries per person per week. If a person is unable to pay, they may wait until some future date when it is less of a financial burden.

Aurora Lodge #48 observe their 200th Anniversary with a robust telephone call system
To celebrate their 200th anniversary, Aurora Lodge #48 is doubling down on making telephone calls to their lodge brothers as well as their families to see how things are going, and to see if help of any kind is needed. In addition to calling their brothers, they’re also calling their neighbors and community members that could need assistance.
“At Aurora, we can think of no better way to mark the observance than to be there and to reach out for all our Masonic brothers and their families, as well as our community, during this time of uncertainty and confusion,” said Bro. Mike Payton. “We believe it to be not only a Masonic virtue but also a simple act of caring for our fellow man.”
Aurora Lodge has also developed an email directory. This directory is used as a place where Masons across the state can search for a brother they may not be in touch with outside of lodge and contact them to check in.

Bro. Joe Phoenix (Harding-Concordia Lodge #345) donates PPE supplies across the country
A member of Harding-Concordia Lodge #345, Joe now lives in Houston, Texas and has managed health, safety, and environment for various companies over the years. In this time, he accumulated a supply of personal protective equipment (PPE). After speaking with a family connection that is a nurse in Los Angeles, California, he learned about the desperate need for PPE supplies in the medical community as many healthcare practitioners need to use masks and gloves far longer than their normal protocols specify.
To help protect those working to care for the rest of us during this pandemic, Joe donated his supply of N95 masks and surgical gloves to the nurses. “I urge all brethren to inventory their supplies and see if they have anything that could be used by the brave people on the front line treating those with the COVID-19 disease. Please find a way to get these supplies to those who desperately need them. Do not wait, you may save a life! Thank you, be safe, and God Bless!”
Bro. Dr. Mac Heeg (Cap City Lodge #656) and the Columbus Männerchor keep the music flowing.
The Columbus Männerchor is a 172-year-old organization with a rich history dating back to the mid-1800s. Steeped in years of tradition, Music Director Bro. Dr. Mac Heeg is continuing to make new memories for this storied organization. This group has evolved into the present ensemble of approximately 80 active male and female singers. As with most of us in the world, they’ve shut down due to the pandemic. This is only the second time in its long history to close–a yellow fever outbreak in the 1850s being the first.
Bro. Heeg was inspired by Dame Myra Hess’s lunchtime concerts held in their National Gallery through the trials and tribulations of World War II. Every weekday, the music kept playing. “I thought it important to “keep a light on in the window” for our small band of passionate amateur musicians. So, I started these concerts on Tuesday, March 24th, and will continue to record a different concert each week until we can walk back into our club home and make music together again.” Watch their first concert above and click here to see their YouTube page to watch more.
These are just a small handful of the remarkable stories we’ve received from you all. More are continuing to come in, and as we receive them, we will share the remarkable work we are doing to inspire others inside and outside the Masonic community to join in on these acts of kindness. Please send all stories via email to
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