In the Spring 2021 Issue of the Ohio Beacon, Grand Master Rich Dickerscheid encourages us to be active in our communities as Summer begins. Brothers, our dedication to Love, Relief, and Truth provides a foundation to become better men. When we care for one another, humbly assist those in need, seek truth in ourselves and in our surroundings, we have much to offer. As the Grand Master emboldens, “Use the Tools”…and be visible in our communities in the months to come.

Brethren All,
It is Spring, the days are getting longer, and the birds are singing their notes of joy and praise. The pandemic is lessening its grip with use of vaccines and natural immunity, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The time has come to get the Masonic engine running again.
Have you called the Brethren or Widows of your lodge just to see how they are doing? Have you set better standards by providing a training/refresher session for the Brethren who serve as candidate mentors to discuss, explain, and train the brethren to coach candidates through either the Principles Proficiency or the Master Craftsman Program?
How about a Typewritten Ritual night, Warden’s and Deacon’s Training, Presumptive Master’s Training, More Light Night, Masonic Volunteer Training, or the Grand Master’s Virtual Road Show? There are plenty of things we can do to keep Masonic interest alive and well.
It is my fear that we have had too much idle time during the pandemic, and it is easy to “get out of the habit” of going to lodge. We need to come up with interesting ways to spark enthusiasm among the membership. We have been operating safely and I have you to thank for that. Inspection season is almost over and during my travels throughout Ohio, even with the time off and diminished participation, I have seen a lot of exemplary degree work.
We still have many interested men wanting to join our craft and I would suggest using the new background check in combination with the “One-Day Class” to facilitate the degree process. This is a great way to perform degrees while doing so safely.
During the summer, be visible in the community by hosting or participating in a new community event or project. If some of these suggestions sound familiar, they should if you are trying to obtain the Grand Master’s Award.
I implore you to keep busy Brethren during the summer. There is more to Ohio Masonry than passing your inspection. We have a lot to offer, and you can play a big part in the process if you “Use the Tools”!
To read the full issue of The Ohio Beacon Spring 2021, visit subscribe to have all issues delivered right to your inbox: Ohio Beacon.
Are you interested in learning how to be an active Mason in your community? Read our blog How to Organize and Run Successful Charity Events. Visit our website to learn more about the way Ohio Freemasonry provides Relief and opportunities for brothers to give back.
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