Every man’s journey into Freemasonry begins in a symbolic lodge, where he receives the first three Degrees in Masonry. This is commonly referred to as Blue Lodge Masonry. In the craft, there is no higher degree or title than Master Mason. However, for Master Masons, there are many paths to expand his journey in Freemasonry. Explore below some of the Masonic bodies open to Master Masons, as well as some open to youth and women.
- Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
- Grand Chapter Royal Arch (Ohio)
- Shriners International
- Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons (Ohio)
- Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Ohio
- Ohio Grotto Association
- Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America (National)
- Ohio High Twelve
- Ohio Lodge of Research
- Ohio Eastern Star
- Order of the Amaranth (Ohio)
- Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem (Supreme Shrine)
- Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America
- Shrine Guilds of America
- Order Of DeMolay
- Daughters of the Nile
- Rainbow For Girls
- Job’s Daughters

Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a fraternity of Brothers committed to going deeper into the highest principles, teachings, and ideals of the Masonic craft. It is open to all Master Masons in good standing looking to continue the journey of self-discovery and finding a deeper sense of purpose. Learn More

Grand Chapter Royal Arch (Ohio)
Royal Arch Freemasonry, sometimes called Capitular Masonry, confers four additional degrees that elaborate on the teachings and legends of the blue lodge or craft Freemasonry, culminating in the Royal Arch Degree. It is open to all Master Masons in good standing and is the first step in the York Rite of Freemasonry. Learn More

Shriners International
Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, truth and relief. It serves mankind through the resources of its philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children®, now known as Shriners Children's. Learn More

Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons (Ohio)
The Council of Royal and Select Masons, sometimes called Cryptic Masonry, confers three degrees that complete the story of Solomon’s Temple as it relates to Craft and Royal Arch Freemasonry. It is open to Royal Arch Masons in good standing and is often considered a second step in York Rite Freemasonry. Learn More

Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Ohio
The Grand Commandery in Ohio confers three chivalric orders: the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Order of Malta, and the Order of the Temple. While Craft Masonry is open to men of all faiths, the Commandery is an order of Master Masons who are pledged to defend the Christian faith. It is the third or capstone order of York Rite Freemasonry. Learn More

Ohio Grotto Association
The Grotto is a social organization for Master Masons and is also known by the name Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. It is known for fun and fellowship and its charitable work focuses on special needs dentistry. Learn More

Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America (National)
Tall Cedars is a social organization for Master Masons with the aim of promoting fun and relaxation among family, friends and neighbors. Its charities see to find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy and neuromuscular diseases. Learn More

Ohio High Twelve
High Twelve is an organization of Master Masons who support Masonic causes with special emphasis on youth support and patriotic activities. Most Clubs meet at or around Noon (high twelve) for lunch and a program. The work to make their communities and the world a better and happier place. Learn More

Ohio Lodge of Research
The Ohio Lodge of Research is a specialty lodge dedicated to the study of Freemasonry. It encourages Masonic study and research with members sharing their work through presentations, papers, and meetings. Members must belong to a regular lodge in addition to the Lodge of Research. Learn More

Ohio Eastern Star
Eastern Star is an organization of women and men that welcomes adults of all ages trying to better themselves and the community around them. Based upon famous women of courage and character from the Bible, it offers women with a Masonic connection an opportunity for an exceptional fraternal experience. Learn More

Order of the Amaranth (Ohio)
The Order of the Amaranth is a fraternal, social, and charitable organization for women and men. Its principal charity is the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation. Membership is open to Master Masons and female relatives of living or deceased Master Masons. Learn More

Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem (Supreme Shrine)
The Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem is an organization for men and women with a connection to the Masonic fraternity. The mission of the Order is to uphold the simple religion of Christ and further his Gospel of “Peace and Good Will upon the Earth.” Learn More

Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America
The Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (also known as LOSNA) members are bound by their goal to promote sociability, good fellowship and the betterment of all ladies connected with the organization. The Ladies actively support Shriners Hospitals for Children® through a variety of fundraising activities, as well as by providing handmade quilts and surgery gowns, toys, games and books for patients. Learn More

Shrine Guilds of America
Shrine Guilds of America provides independent support and aid to Shriners Hospitals for Children® and concentrates on the education of children during their stay at Shiners Hospitals for Children. Organized in 1947, members are wives or widows of Shiners Learn More

Order Of DeMolay
DeMolay body prepares young men aged 12-21 to lead successful, happy and industrious lives. Basing its approach on timeless Masonic principles and hands-on experience, DeMolay helps young men develop the civic awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. It was established in 1919. Learn More

Daughters of the Nile
Daughters of the Nile is a benevolent international organization for women who are related by birth or marriage to a Shriner/Master Mason or Daughter of the Nile. Founded in 1913 it boasts 148 Temples and 39,000 members throughout the United States and Canada. The Daughters of the Nile are proud of their heritage and are grateful for the deep and lifelong friendships that develop within the membership that cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Learn More

Rainbow For Girls
Rainbow for Girls is an organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20. The seven colors of the Rainbow represent seven teachings that each member receives on her journey toward the pot of gold. Founded in 1922, the organization teaches girls three basic virtues: Faith in a Supreme Being and other people, having Hope in all that they do, and Charity toward others. Learn More

Job’s Daughters
Job's Daughters International™ is a premier organization for young women that provides a wholesome environment based on the foundation of high morals, love of country, love of family and friends and respect for others throughout the world. It is a living organization dedicated to meeting the needs of young women today and their challenges of tomorrow. Learn More