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Royal Arch Freemasonry with Bro. Kenneth Foy

York Rite Masonry encompasses many additional steps in a Master Mason’s journey to become a better man. Kenneth Foy leads the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio as its Grand High Priest. He recently sat down with the Grand Lodge to discuss his experience, his recommendations, and what he cherishes most about this organization. Read our full conversation below.

Please introduce yourself. Tell us your name, where you’re from, how long you’ve been an Ohio Mason, your home Lodge, and your role with the Royal Arch Masons.

My name is Kenneth Foy and I am a member of Tiffin Lodge #77 in Tiffin, Ohio. I have been a Mason for 36 years. I am currently honored to serve as the Grand High Priest for the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio.

Tell us about the Royal Arch Masons. What is its main purpose? How does it add value to Ohio Freemasonry? 

Royal Arch Masons, also known as Capitular Masons, is part of the York Rite Masonry family – the other groups being Lodge, Royal and Select Masons (Council) and Knights Templar – Commandery. The purpose of Royal Arch Masonry is to continue the story or education of what was learned when you became a Master Mason. The value it adds to Ohio Masonry is that besides continuing the stories learned in Lodge, it gives members another opportunity to support charitable organizations and meet with other Masons not from their home Lodge. There are also several other masonic groups that you must be a Capitular Mason before you are eligible to join. I was a Master Mason for a few years before I joined the York Rite. I wanted to further my journey in Masonry and the York Rite gave me that opportunity.

How can men join?

In order to be a Ohio Capitular Mason, you have to be a resident of Ohio for at least 6 months and be a Master Mason. 

Photograph on Kenneth Foy from the York Rite.
Bro. Foy in his York Rite garb and apron.

What has been your favorite opportunity/moment/event since joining and why? 

There have been many in my years as a Mason. I guess the first time was being the head of a local group. I served as the Worshipful Master of my Lodge in 1997. I eventually served as the head of all of the local York Rite groups and was honored to receive my Knight York Cross of Honor in 2013. But the greatest honor was when I was asked to join the line of Grand Officers for the Royal Arch in which I am currently serving as the Grand High Priest for Ohio.  

I have had a great opportunity as the Grand High Priest of Ohio to travel throughout the state of Ohio and meet many great people I would have never met if I was not in this position. I also get to represent the Grand Chapter of Ohio when I travel to other states and Canada.   

Can you share any upcoming events or opportunities for men to get involved? 

There are many events coming up which a member could be involved in. Each District has annual inspections or other events, just be aware of what is there and participate. If you have an idea for an event then let the leadership know. We are a very charitable organization and a very social and family oriented group. There are many opportunities for members to be involved in, you just have to be willing to ask and volunteer!

Is there anything else you’d like to share? 

I think Masonry is a great opportunity for men to get involved with the community and find a sense of purpose. I believe we as a society have walked away from organizations that were once popular before television and social media prevailed. We are finding many younger men asking to join not because their fathers were Masons but their grandfathers were Masons and they want that experience. The best part of Masonry is that all are welcome as long as you have a belief in God and are at least 19. And we do not discuss politics or religion which is even more important in this day and age.

Learn more about York Rite Masonry in the Masonic Organizations section of our website!