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Ohio Freemasonry

How to Establish a Mentor Program in Your Lodge

With 75,000 Masons and 450 local Lodges, Ohio represents one of the largest Masonic communities of any state in the country. With a representation this large, it’s important to still make sure each and every Brother feels that they are being cared for, and a part of a larger movement to better themselves, their community, and beyond. 

Like other fraternal organizations, Freemasonry unites men of good character who, despite different religious, ethnic or social backgrounds, share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind. One of the key elements that preserve the feeling of unity throughout Ohio, is our devotion to Lodge mentorship. 

What is a Masonic Mentor? 

Just as someone may look for a mentor in their professional careers, their hobbies, or in living an impactful life, a Lodge mentor instills the same passion for bettering one’s life through craft. A Mentor is more than just a teacher, they are a coach, a confidant and a friend. While a mentor may serve as a guide and helping hand during the beginning of a new member’s journey, that role will inevitably evolve. 

Why does a Lodge Mentorship Program matter?

Putting a formal mentorship program into place within your Lodge can help our newest Brothers extract deeper insights from the teachings of Craft and achieve greater light. It also can help create a bond between members that ultimately increases retention within a Lodge by strengthening members’ connection to their Brothers. 

Mentoring is not the obligation of a single individual but of the entire Lodge. It is a responsibility carried from the night of the first degree, well beyond the night of the third. A commitment to Freemasonry is a life long journey. Mentorship is a fundamental facet of our dedication to the concepts of brotherhood and self-improvement and must remain part of that journey. 

How can I create a Lodge Mentorship Program?

Creating a Lodge Mentorship Program is easier than you think! With our carefully crafted resource, we teach you how to start, how to find a Lodge Mentor, and how to continue to foster a sense of belonging in your younger Brothers.

Do you have a Masonic Mentor? We’d love to hear about how having a mentor has further helped you in becoming a great Ohio Freemason! Share your story with us by emailing