Please introduce yourself. Tell us your name, where you’re from, how long you’ve been an Ohio Mason, your home Lodge, and your role with the Supreme Council of Grottoes International.
I was born and raised in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, where I graduated from Cuyahoga Falls High School in 1978. During that time, I was very active in the school band and in Boy Scouts achieving the rank of Eagle. I also started working afternoons and weekends for an engineering firm as a draftsman.
In 1984, I met the incredible Kelly Hamlin, and we were married in 1985. We have two children, Matthew and Jerrica and between the two of them, they have blessed us with four grandkids, Noah (11), Brea (9), Riley (7), and Cameron (5).
I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Star Lodge #187 in December 1991 and initiated into Yusef-Khan Grotto in February 1992. I served as Monarch of Yusef-Khan in 2015, Master of Star Lodge #187 in 2017, and Commander in Chief of Akron Consistory in 2019. I was elected to receive the Meritorious Service Award in June 2022.
I currently serve as Grand Monarch of Grottoes International.
Tell us about the Grotto Association. What is its main purpose? How does it add value to Ohio Freemasonry?
As with any Masonic body, when you become a member of a Grotto, you are automatically a member of Grottoes International. The Grotto is somewhat unique in that there are Grotto Associations consisting of two or more Grottoes, and there are currently 12 associations scattered throughout the world made up of approximately 170 Grottoes in 5 countries. The Ohio Grotto Association is made up of 21 Grottoes from OH, PA, WV, and MI. Not all Grottoes have to belong to an association as is the case in Ohio. The purpose of the Ohio Grotto Association is to further close fraternal and social relations between the member Grottoes.
Why did you choose to join the Grotto Association?
I joined Grotto, and Masonry, because my wife’s step-dad was very active in Yusef-Khan Grotto when she and I first met, and since Grotto is a very social body of Masonry that involves the family, we attended many functions with our kids. In the early 90’s, Yusef-Khan had around 3,000 members, and had quite a few “units” within the Grotto, such as the mixed bowling league, the men’s golf league, and the campers. These were some of the units that I became a social member of. After a while, it was suggested that, “if I was going to participate in all of these units, I need to become a full member.” So I asked, “How do I become a member?”
How can men join?
Any Master Mason in good standing can become a member of Grotto. There is a petition at the bottom of the Supreme Council website, www.scgrotto.org
What has been your favorite opportunity/moment/event since joining?
The main philanthropy of Grottoes International is our Humanitarian Foundation which supports Dentistry for Special Needs Children among other childhood ailments. One of my favorite functions, along with my wife, is to attend the Special Needs Picnic hosted every Spring by Ali Baba Grotto located in Warren, OH. Over a hundred kids with special needs are bused in from the local school districts for a “picnic” at the Grotto Hall. They enjoy a lunch usually consisting of hot dogs and mac-n-cheese, along with soda and cookies for dessert. There is a DJ for their dancing pleasure, face painting, artificial tattoos, and clowns that are making balloon animals. To see the smiles on the faces of these special children is an experience that I can not describe.
Can you share any upcoming events or opportunities for men to get involved?
There are so many events coming up throughout the state all the time, that it would be hard to list them here. The best way for a Mason to find out what is happening would be to visit the Ohio Grotto Association website at www.ohiogrottoassociation.org and click on the “OGA Grottoes” tab, find the grotto closest to them and to make contact.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Being a Prophet, the name by which members are called, in Grotto has been a very rewarding time in my Masonic journey. Having been elected as the 126th Grand Monarch of Grottoes International and being able to carry on the legacy of our founder, Leroy Fairchild, is something that was unimaginable to me when I asked that question, “how do I become a member?” back in 1991.
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