In this series, we’re spending time getting to know some of our 2021 Grand Lodge of Ohio Leadership. In our first installment, we connected with Bro. Bob Welch the Right Worshipful Grand Tyler to learn more about his time in Ohio Freemasonry, what his role in the Grand Lodge line is, and what he’s looking forward to out of this year.

What inspired you to join Ohio Freemasonry, and which lodge are you a part of?
As a young man, my father introduced me into DeMolay and I found it to be something I really enjoyed. I admired the fellowship of other young men who had similar interests, and looked forward to memorizing and performing the degree work. I had been thinking about getting involved ever since a very good friend of mine was elected Master of Milford lodge in November 1991, but my work schedule made it difficult to attend meetings. I wanted to join while he was still Master of the lodge, so I petitioned during that time and was accepted. I took vacation days from work to complete my degrees, and when I was able to get a day shift position, I began attending lodge regularly and eventually started into the officers line.
What are your most important and day-to-day duties as Grand Tyler?
My most important duty is to travel with and help Grand Master Richard A. Dickerscheid with whatever he needs, and to perform my duties as Grand Tyler in our different Grand Lodge activities.
What separates your position from the others in the Grand Lodge line?
I am appointed by the Grand Master to serve with him for a one-year term. If so elected, all of the other officers (other than the Grand Chaplain and Grand Tyler) will go on to be Grand Master.
What was your reaction when you were asked to serve in the Grand Lodge line?
I was very surprised and humbled at the same time. It is a very proud time in my life to be able to serve the Grand Lodge of Ohio and Ohio Freemasons in this capacity.
What thoughts came into your mind when you found out you would be filling this role?
I was excited to have the opportunity to travel to lodges in the state that I have never attended and meet brothers I would not otherwise ever come into contact with, all the while representing the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
What does Grand Master Dickerscheid’s theme “Use the tools“ mean to you, and how are you putting this into practice in 2021?
To me “Use the Tools” means taking all the lessons we are taught in Masonry and applying them – in a literal sense – to our daily lives. In doing so, we not only improve ourselves as men but also inspire others so that they ultimately appreciate the value in Masonry.. The term to me also means using the tools and resources that have been provided to us to improve our Masonic lodges, lodge leaders and our communities. As far as putting them into practice, I plan to continue to be the best possible version of myself every day.

What has your current role taught you about being a Mason and as a leader?
I have learned that men join Freemasonry for many different reasons, and that everyone has a desire to be useful to the fraternity. It is our job as Masons to help every new member figure out how he fits in to make him a part of the lodge and to show him what a privilege it is to be part of this great brotherhood.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far in your position?
Stepping out of my personal comfort zone has been my biggest challenge, but I now consider it an opportunity.
What are some characteristics of the role that excite you?
I really enjoy traveling around the state meeting new brothers and visiting lodges that I have never had the opportunity to visit. By traveling, I learn from my brothers and get to share experiences with them.
What skills do you think you have improved upon since filling this role?
Since becoming a Grand Lodge Officer, I have become a good listener. Almost every Mason you come into contact with has an opinion on some part of the fraternity, and we must listen to our membership for suggestions for improving our fraternity.
What advice do you have to give to Masons filling this role in the future? What was the most helpful piece of advice you received from the previous Grand Tyler?
My advice would be the same advice I received from the previous Grand Tyler and that is to enjoy every minute of your time in this role. It is a busy year, but time goes so quickly; it will be over before you realize it.
What resources did you use to prepare?
There is no “how-to” book on being a Grand Lodge Tyler, so to prepare, I spoke with past Grand Tylers as well as other past and present Grand Lodge officers to get a feel for what is required of me.
Interested in learning more about the 2021 Grand Officers? Explore the full list of our leadership and get to know our current Grand Master, MWB Richard A. Dickerscheid.
Do you have any additional questions for our 2021 leadership? Please send an email to or send us a private message on Facebook or Twitter.