In part three of our series spotlighting members of Ohio Freemasonry’s 2021 Grand Lodge Leadership, we get to know the Right Worshipful Grand Chaplain, Bro. L. John Lasonczyk.

What inspired you to join Ohio Freemasonry, and which lodge are you part of?
Back in 1985, I worked with a friend that invited me to a Christmas dance for Montgomery Lodge. While we were there, my wife, who was my fiancée at the time, started asking questions about the Masons. I knew my Grandfather was a Mason, but since he passed away when I was 12 years old, I did not know anything about the Masons or DeMolay. When Cindy started asking questions at the dance, I thought, “This sounds like a great organization! I think I’d like to join!”
What are your most important duties as Grand Chaplain?
I am here to help the Grand Master in any way I can. My primary duties are to offer prayers when needed. I also provide inspirational programs at times.
What separates your position from the others in the Grand Lodge line?
All the Grand Lodge Officers work hand-in-hand for the greater good of Ohio Freemasonry. Though we have different responsibilities, we all want Masonry to thrive in Ohio.
What was your reaction when you were asked to serve as a Grand Lodge officer?
I was incredibly surprised and honored to have been asked to fill this role of Grand Chaplain.
What thoughts came to mind when you found out you would be filling this role?
I have always believed in prayer, but have never thought praying in public was easy; private prayers were not a problem though. So, my first thought was “I guess I better get used to saying prayers in public!”
What does GM Dickerschied’s theme “Use the Tools” mean to you, and how will you put this into practice in 2021?
The tools of Freemasonry should be used by every Mason to make themselves a better man, husband, father, friend, and Mason. Everyone should follow the Principles of Freemasonry, and allow Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth to guide us in our lives!
What has your current role taught you about being a Mason and as a leader?
My years in Masonry have brought me closer to my God and helped me become a better man. Filling the role as Grand Chaplain has continued this, and I hope my example will inspire Masons and non-Masons alike to do the same.
What are some of the challenges of your position?
Prior to being an officer of my Lodge, I was not comfortable talking in front of people I did not know. Masonry has helped me with this role, and now, as Grand Chaplain, that comfort continues to grow.
What are some characteristics of the role that excite you?
I am extremely excited about travelling throughout the state of Ohio, where I can meet more Masons! I genuinely enjoy meeting and talking to other Brethren I have not known before!
What strengths do you think you have improved upon since filling this role?
As I stated earlier, my comfort level speaking in front of large crowds has expanded.
What advice do you have for future Grand Chaplains? What was the most helpful piece of advice you received in this role?
My advice is to enjoy the experience! The Grand Lodge family is just that: a family! We are all here to help each other! This is also true about the entire Masonic family. We are Brothers and we will always be there for each other, especially in times of need.
Unfortunately, my predecessor, RWB Tom Jenkins and I have not been able to meet in person prior to today due to COVID-19 and other circumstances, but we do plan on meeting together soon. RWB Jenkins was kind enough to send me a list of suggestions and responsibilities of the Grand Chaplain’s position. I appreciate his help and advice, and I plan on continuing the help by extending my friendship and assistance to the Brother who will follow me as Grand Chaplain.
What resources did you use to prepare?
I rely most on the list RWB Jenkins sent to me, as well as the discussions I’ve had with MWB Dickersheid about what expectations he had for each of his Grand Lodge Officers. I also know that if I need advice from any of the Associate Grand Chaplains, especially RWB Bob Coster from the 1st District, all I need to do is ask. I am fortunate that RWB H. Clayton Powers, a two time Grand Chaplain, was one of my mentors in Montgomery Lodge #94. Unfortunately, RWB Powers is no longer with us, but I will always remember his advice and guidance he shared with me as a young Mason.
Interested in learning more about the 2021 Grand Officers? Explore the full list of our leadership and get to know our current Grand Master, MWB Richard A. Dickerscheid.
Do you have any additional questions for our 2021 leadership? Please send an email to or send us a private message on Facebook or Twitter.