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Tri-State Grand Lodge Degree Exemplification

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Date(s) - Nov 03, 2018
1:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Indiana


On Saturday, November 3rd, three Grand Lodges of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan will come together for an all-day Degree Exemplification. This is an amazing opportunity to see how these degrees are done in our sister jurisdictions!

This event is FREE and open to all MASTER MASONS

You will see the Entered Apprentice Degree performed by the Grand Lodge of Indiana, the Fellowcraft Degree performed by the Grand Lodge of Michigan, and the Master Mason Degree performed by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Afterwards, there will be a reception at the Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral for a small cost of $10. 

Register today for this fantastic and unique event, and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity during our Bicentennial year of Freemasonry in Indiana!