Today marked the Grand Lodge Annual Communication and, as always, it was inspiring to gather and celebrate the common values that bind us as Freemasons. This year has certainly been different from years past, yet there is little doubt that Freemasonry continues to thrive throughout our great state of Ohio. It is with great excitement we announce that Most Worshipful Brother Richard A. Dickerscheid was elected to serve as the 165th Grand Master of Ohio.

MWB Dickerscheid is a man of outstanding character; a man committed to upholding and strengthening the tenets that are the core of our Brotherhood. We know he will serve Ohio Freemasonry with the utmost integrity and dignity.
Grand Master Dickerscheid, congratulations, and good luck in the year ahead!
A Storied Masonic Journey
GM Richard A. Dickerscheid first petitioned College Hill – Harry S. Johnson Lodge # in the fall of 2002 and received the Entered Apprentice Degree that November. He quickly passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft in December 2002 and was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason the next month on January 16th, 2003.
After becoming a Master Mason, Bro. Dickerscheid began an impressive journey of service to Ohio Freemasonry by going on to serve as Senior Steward, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden & Senior Warden respectfully. He was elected and served as Worshipful Master in 2008 and then served as President of the “Wild Bunch Degree Assistance Team”, who supplies various parts of the Fellow Craft Team when a lodge needs help performing such duties. He was then asked to be an officer of the First Masonic District Officers Association, eventually being elected President in 2013.
In October of 2014, Brother Dickerscheid was recommended to the Grand Lodge of Ohio by MWB Norman J. Mick, and at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication, he was appointed to the position of Senior Grand Deacon by MWB Steven E. Cokonougher. He was later appointed as Grand Marshal and Grand Orator. In 2017, he was elected Junior Grand Warden in Dayton, Senior Grand Warden in 2018, Deputy Grand Master at Marietta in 2019, and, this year, he was honored to be elected to serve the Brethren of the great State of Ohio as Grand Master, installed in Wilmington on October 23, 2020.
Beyond his service to the Grand Lodge, Grand Master Richard A. Dickerscheid served as Most Wise Master of the Cincinnati Chapter of Rose Croix of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Cincinnati 2016-2017 and received the 33rd Degree in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the fall of 2019. He is also a member of Cumminsville Chapter of Royal Arch Masons #158, Hubert O. Auburn Chapter of Royal and Select Masons #149, Cincinnati Commandery #3, and a member of St. Columba Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine. He is also a member of the Society of Past Masters of Cincinnati and Vicinity, a member of the National Sojourners Cleveland Chapter #23, Marvin Chapter #376 Order of Eastern Star, and the Syrian Shrine, where he served as a Steward and an Ambassador. Additionally, he received the DeMolay Legion of Honor in September of 2019.
Read Grand Master Richard A. Dickerscheid’s letter to Ohio Freemasonry.
Join us in congratulating MWB Dickerscheid on social media! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.