One of the main Masonic principles that all Brethren dedicate their lives to is Relief. Each year, the Grand Master and First Lady select a charity to support. For 2022, Grand Master Timothy S. Wheeland and First Lady Kim picked the Children’s Hunger Alliance for the Ohio Masons to support and assist. These moments of charity, relief, and brotherhood remind us why we first chose to become Masons.

Introducing the 2022 Grand Master’s Charity: Children’s Hunger Alliance
Children’s Hunger Alliance
On average, 1 in 4 children in Ohio live in food-insecure households and don’t know where their next meal is coming from. The Children’s Hunger Alliance has answered that call for help by providing a statewide solution to ending childhood hunger. Partnering with Ohio schools, nutrition specialists, educators, and now the Grand Lodge of Ohio, children will have easy access to healthy food.
Brethren from around the state of Ohio are asked to consider what THEY can do for their communities and the individuals and children that populate them. Organizations such as the Children’s Hunger Alliance remind us of the pillars of Freemasonry and the importance of upholding them each and every day. Our commitment to bettering ourselves begins with bettering our communities. Join us in supporting this cause by first reading why Grand Master Timothy S. Wheeland and First Lady Kim picked this charity.
The 2022 Grand Master & Lady Kim’s charity is Children’s Hunger Alliance. What inspired you to make that your focus this year?
MWB Wheeland: “Kim and I thought about a number of charities that we could support, both individually and together. We wanted to make a difference in the lives of those in need and make a difference in the next generation. We started researching various organizations, and Kim remembered that our daughter had worked for a company years ago that donated their leftover food to the Children’s Hunger Alliance.
The Children’s Hunger Alliance organization caught our eye and we started to do some research. We were astonished to find out how many children live in food-insecure households – more than 700,000! We were also shocked to find out that 1 in 4 children are unsure of where their next meal will come from.
The more we researched, the more we gravitated towards the Children’s Hunger Alliance. After additional thought and consideration, we decided to reach out to the head of their Development group to set up a meeting. We discussed a number of aspects concerning their organization. We wanted to know how the money was used, what types of organizations provide assistance to them – and if Ohio Masons could make an impact. We also found out that the Children’s Hunger Alliance had operations in all Ohio counties.
Kim and I learned about how they had to turn on a dime when the COVID pandemic hit, as their primary food distribution points (our schools) were closed. The Children’s Hunger Alliance had to make changes in everything they did to make sure that they could continue to get food to those children in need – and they did it. Their story reminded us of how our own Masonic organizations had to change the way we operate, the way we think, and the way we integrated new systems and processes into our lives to keep things going.
After the meeting, Kim and I had no doubt in our minds that this was the right organization to support with our charity this year. I hope that Masons around the state will help us raise money for this great organization.”
How to Donate
In connection with Grand Master Wheeland’s theme of the year, “Reflect on Masonry,” we call all Brethren to consider their role in aiding Children’s Hunger Alliance as an extension of other Ohio Mason relief initiatives.
Anyone wishing to donate to the annual Grand Master and First Lady’s charity can do so by sending a check payable to Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, with Grand Master Charity in the memo field. Send checks to:
Grand Lodge of Ohio
1 Masonic Drive
Springfield, OH 45504
Want to learn more about Ohio Freemasonry’s charitable efforts? Make sure to check out the Giving Back section of our website to find out how our Brethren are improving their communities by giving back.