Meet the new Faces of Ohio Freemasonry NewsOhio Freemasonry Meet the new Faces of Ohio Freemasonry After weeks of voting, we are at last able to announce this year’s Faces of Ohio Freemasonry. One thing has…Zach BergerMay 29, 2019
Senator. Astronaut. Ohio Freemason. The Life of the Illustrious John Glenn, 33° Ohio FreemasonryHistory Senator. Astronaut. Ohio Freemason. The Life of the Illustrious John Glenn, 33° His resume boasted tenure as a U.S. Senator, as well as an accomplished astronaut. A decorated fighter pilot and a…Zach BergerMay 21, 2019
Lodge Spring Cleaning Checklist Ohio Freemasonry Lodge Spring Cleaning Checklist The days are steadily growing longer, much of the ground has thawed and the familiar sounds of spring have begun…Zach BergerMay 14, 2019
Around Ohio Freemasonry Ohio Freemasonry Around Ohio Freemasonry In April, we took to Facebook and asked our fellow Brethren of Ohio Freemasonry to share an image of their…Zach BergerMay 10, 2019
Interview with Del Braund NewsOhio Freemasonry Interview with Del Braund As Freemasons, we are always seeking the betterment of ourselves, our communities, and our world as a whole. This is…Zach BergerApril 30, 2019
Why did you become a Freemason? Part III Ohio Freemasonry Why did you become a Freemason? Part III We are looking forward to sharing the latest installment of our “Why did you become a Freemason?” series. What is…Zach BergerApril 24, 2019
How to Welcome a New Brother Ohio Freemasonry How to Welcome a New Brother We all remember that first day walking into the Lodge room. Little did we know that this space would change…Zach BergerApril 17, 2019
Interview with Clifford E. Nicol Ohio Freemasonry Interview with Clifford E. Nicol Brother Clifford E. Nicol, from our This is Ohio Freemasonry Campaign this past fall, gave us his thoughts on being…Zach BergerApril 10, 2019
Why did you become a Freemason? Part II Ohio Freemasonry Why did you become a Freemason? Part II As Freemasons, we are always curious about what lead us on the path that brought us to Freemasonry. That’s why…Zach BergerApril 3, 2019
The Lasting Legacy of Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Freemason, Dave Thomas Ohio FreemasonryHistory The Lasting Legacy of Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Freemason, Dave Thomas “I think the harder you work, the more luck you have.” This phrase depicts the essence of Dave Thomas, the…Zach BergerMarch 26, 2019