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NewsOhio Freemasonry

Interview with Past Grand Master Bro. Schau

Please introduce yourself. Tell us your name, where you’re from, how long you’ve been an Ohio Mason, your home Lodge, and any positions you may hold today.

My name is Eric R. Schau but I have always gone by the nickname of Rick.  I was born in Marietta, OH and lived there until the age of 9 when my family moved to Elyria, Ohio, where I grew up, attended school, and worked.

I joined Frank S. Harmon Lodge #663, becoming a Master Mason in January 1976.  So, I’ve been a Master Mason for almost 49 years. Frank S. Harmon Lodge merged with King Solomon #56 in 2005 becoming Elyria Lodge #787, all in Elyria, OH. 

I am also a plural member of Gibson # 301 in Wakeman, OH. My wife, Linda, and I moved to Wakeman in 1998. I knew a couple of the members of the Lodge, started attending, they made me an honorary member and I joined in 2012. I am currently chairman of the Grand Lodge Ways, Means & Accounts Committee. I also serve as Assistant. Secretary for Elyria Lodge and help where needed in both Lodges.

How did you find Freemasonry?

I had always had a fascination for the fraternity and knew a few men who were Masons, but back then no one would talk about it. I discovered that my father-in-law was a Mason and when I started asking him questions, he replied, “you have to join if you want to find out.” I asked how I could join and he replied, “you have to ask someone,” and I said, “I’m asking.”

He got up, went to the phone and called the Lodge secretary and said that he needed a petition.  I was raised in January of 1976 and was sitting in my first appointed chair, Marshal, by May.  I served in every line chair except Senior Steward. I don’t think there has been a year since then that I haven’t held some office or served in some way. 

What initially kept you coming back to Lodge?

As an officer of the Lodge, I always had a role to fill. Plus, I love the fellowship and the rituals of the various degrees. I also went through the Scottish Rite Line in the Valley of Cleveland serving from 1985-2006. I must also say that my wife, Linda, has always supported me in everything I do. Without her, nothing else would have been possible.

Other than serving as Grand Master, what is something you’re proud of in your Masonic journey?

There are many things but I’ll just list a few.  

  • I had the honor of presenting an 80 year Masonic Service Award to a brother who was 101 years old.
  • My daughter helped me design a Military Veteran Pin for Masons and the pin was later adopted as the official Veterans Pin for the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
  • I had four Veteran Memorial Monuments placed in Ohio. One each at the Browning Masonic Community and Western Reserve Masonic Community. The other two were placed at Ohio’s Western Reserve National Cemetery and the Dayton National Cemetery.  All four were dedicated by me as Grand Master along with all of the Grand Lodge Officers.
  • Our charity for my year as Grand Master was Ohio Honor Flights. A total of $80,000 was presented and distributed among the five hubs in the State of Ohio. In 2019, I went on one of the flights we sponsored to Washington, D.C. as a Guardian for one of the veterans. 
  • At my direction, The Principles Proficiency Examination was created and adopted.
  • Appointing RWB William M. Carter III to the Grand Line is one of my proudest achievements. I believe that, if elected, he will be one of our greatest Grand Masters.

Is there someone you’ve met that inspired you to be a better man and Mason? Tell us about them.

There are so many great men that I have had the honor to meet that it’s hard to name a few.  Certainly my father-in-law, Brother Bill Alley, who got me started on this journey.  Unfortunately, he passed in 1979 and didn’t get to see me installed as Grand Master. Also, my father, Lester Schau, who joined Masonry after me. 

Both of these men were very active and proud to be Masons. My father passed away in 1996, so he didn’t get to see me installed either. As I said, there are so many others, I have been blessed.

Is there anything else about your time as Grand Master you would like to share?

The 300th Anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England took place about two weeks following my installation as Grand Master. Linda and I traveled to London as guests of the UGLE for three days. It was an experience beyond any expectation.There were 140 Grand Masters from around the world plus all of the British dignitaries. The Grand Master is the Duke of Kent and has served as Grand Master since 1967.  He greeted all 140 Grand Masters as a fellow Grand Master and not as a Royal.  It was an unforgettable experience.  We also attended the Grande Loge Nationale Française (Grand Lodge of France) as Junior Grand Warden, Senior Grand Warden & Grand Master, that was another unforgettable experience.

Read more of our interviews with Past Grand Masters like Bro. Posey and Bro. Murphy!