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NewsOhio Freemasonry

Be Legendary: Bro. Richard Graeter

Please introduce yourself. Tell us your name, where you’re from, how long you’ve been an Ohio Mason, your home Lodge, and any leadership positions you’ve held within Ohio Freemasonry.

My name is Richard Anton Graeter and I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was initiated as a Mason on March 7th, 1996 and raised a Master Mason on June 28th, 1996 at Mariemont Lodge #785. I am a founding member and Charter Junior Warden of Caliburn Lodge #785, at the time this was the first newly chartered lodge in Ohio in almost 25 years. I also served as Master in 2004, and have been serving as Lodge Education Officer (LEO) since that time. 

In 2002, I was appointed by MWB William Perry Mayberry Sr. to serve as the Chairman of the Education Committee for the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and continued to serve in this capacity for MWB Steven John Krekus and MWB Jim S. Deyo.

I am also a Member of the Valley of Cincinnati, AASR, Past Commander-in-Chief of Ohio Consistory, and coroneted a SGIG, 33rd Degree. I presently serve on the Valley’s Investment Advisory Committee, as well as an ad hoc Board of Trustees committee managing moving the Valley to a new facility. I also served on the Valley’s Charitable Foundation and Learning Center boards. 

What does the Grand Master’s theme of “Be Legendary” mean to you?

We as Freemasons need to dare! Dare to think big! Dare to push the envelope! 

There is an unfortunate belief that Masonic tradition is incompatible with innovation. Nothing could be further from the truth. At our inception, Freemasons were on the cutting edge of societal innovation, leading from the old decaying world of absolute monarchy and religious sectarianism to an enlightened Novus Ordo Seclorum of republicanism in government and universalism in how we worship the Grand Architect. In my view, Freemasonry is not about “Making Good Men Better,” but rather bringing better men together to make the world a little better. I think that vision is a little more inspiring! 

This is an exciting time for Ohio Freemasonry! Young Masons are daring to challenge lodges to grow again. Caliburn started as a daring thought experiment and after 25 years has established the proof of concept that new lodges that embrace new traditions are the solution to our membership challenges. Ohio Freemasonry can be Legendary by working with the support of our Grand Lodge to stimulate the creation of more new lodges. New lodges with a wide variety of characteristics and affinities. Whether we renew existing lodges, or charter new ones, lodges are where Freemasons are made. Together, we need to appeal to better young men today to join the Craft and help make the world just a little bit better.

What advice would you give to younger members who might want to step up in Ohio Freemasonry, and why?

After serving your mother lodge, get together with other young members and charter a new lodge. YOU are the key to growing Freemasonry!

Your fellow Masons have said you are a pillar of your lodge and community, representing the best values of Masonry. What do you think contributed to this character trait?

I think because I am guided by the following quote from George Bernard Shaw:

“There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”

As a leader, I think that the leadership trait that is most admired by my fellow brethren is that when my time was done, I happily returned to the ranks and supported the rising leaders in their dreams. Always seeking to guide and support, and never uttering the dreaded phrase, “that’s not how I used to do it!” The hardest part about leadership is knowing when to let go so others can soar ever higher. 

Read our other Be Legendary features with Bro. Ryan Cresanto and Bro. Joe Shilling!