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The Men of Wauseon Lodge #349

If you’re looking for some local Masonic lodge inspiration then look no further as the men of Wauseon Lodge #349 are bringing to life our Masonic values, everyday. Bro. Chris Meeker of Wauseon Lodge sat down with us to discuss his journey as a Mason and the incredible support of his brothers along the way.

Tell us about Wauseon Lodge. What makes it unique? What is it known for?

Wauseon Lodge #349 is a mixture of four lodges from the area. Three of them merged with Wauseon: Swanton, Gorham (Fayette), and Royalton Union (Lyons). As a result, we had all of these different bodies melting into one and with that came different ways of doing things, not in our ritual, but in our thinking. This created a fantastic fusion into one common body. Now mind you this all happened before I was a Mason, so I am lucky enough to see and reap the results. Wauseon is known for its excellent ritual work, and also having really good food. Our chef, who is also our treasurer, never disappoints, especially the lasagna on inspection night.

What is the community of Wauseon, Ohio like? What is your Lodge’s interaction in the community?

Wauseon is your typical rural northwest Ohio community where the people are friendly and cordial but I may be a bit partial, as I grew up there. You’ll find people from all aspects of life, from farmers to executives, but everyone wants what is best for the community. The lodge helps out whenever there is a need, whether it is helping with a 5K or helping with the annual; Christmas parade, if there is a need we try to help.

We’re aware your lodge has an emphasis on history and fellowship. Can you tell us more about that?

The history side is a little fuzzy for me, as I am a young Mason, not necessarily in age but in years of membership. I know our lodge was chartered in 1864 and originally met in a building on the south side of the tracks, just uptown in Wauseon. Our current Lodge building was built in 1969 and was built just for Masonic use and it was built using the cardinal directions. We have a great group of Masons in our lodge, there is so much life experience, there is always wise counsel when it is needed. The brethren are always willing to lend a helping hand when needed. We are creating the next chapter in our history book.

What is the relationship between Brothers in the lodge? How do they interact with each other and engage in Lodge events?

We have an incredibly strong relationship with each other. You will always have a shoulder to cry on when needed, an ear to vent to, someone to laugh with, and someone to seek counsel from. I have never had this strong of support from someone that wasn’t family….actually strike that….they are family. Every event that we do, whether it’s the pancake breakfast before the Memorial Day Parade, or a card night, there will be plenty of laughs to be had. We really do enjoy being around each other.

Does your Lodge have any upcoming events you’d like to share? 

Our next event is a “Prospect Night,” it’s basically a card night that is open to anyone that is interested in becoming a Mason. It is a great way for someone that wants more information to get that, without the formality. It also is a great way to get to know the Brothers without all of the pressure that sometimes comes with meeting new people.  

In March, we will be having a “Family Night,” this is where the Brothers can bring their wives, significant others, and kids. This is to strengthen the bond between the family and the lodge.  In my mind, a lodge is only as strong as the family behind the Mason.

What about this Lodge made you want to be part of it? What type of Mason does it attract?

This is an interesting question, Masonry has always fascinated me and I knew about the history of Masonry and the founding of this country. I only knew what I could find out online and from watching shows, but sometimes that information was a little skewed. I didn’t think I knew any Mason’s, but actually I did.

Wauseon drew me, because I am from Wauseon, and my parents and son still live there.  Growing up in Wauseon I always saw the lodge, and there was always some mystique about it. I understand it now, as there is a bond with the members of that lodge that can never be broken, and I am very honored to be part of it.

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