M. W. Brother Charles Laishley Minor was born in Mason, Ohio, November 25, 1875, and received his preliminary education in the public schools of Warren County. After his graduation from high school at Franklin, Ohio, he attended Ohio State University and graduated in medicine from Miami Medical College (University of Cincinnati) in 1897. He was associated with the late Dr. C. R. Holmes, of Cincinnati, as assistant until 1899, when he located in Springfield, after post graduate study in Europe, specializing in eye and ear diseases.
Medically he was a member of county, state, and national associations; a Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology; a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons; Oculist on the Staff of the Springfield City Hospital; member of the Ohio Commission for Blind. He was a member and past president (serving two years) of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce. Was a Rotarian (past president), and a long time member of the Covenant Presbyterian Church.
M. W. Brother Minor married Miss Jane Hall, to this union one daughter was born.
Initiated the Entered Apprentice degree January 16, 1906, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on February 6, 1906, and raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason on April 26, 1906, in Anthony Lodge No. 455, F. & A. M., Springfield, Ohio. He served as Worshipful Master, 1911-1912.
Received the R. A. M. degrees in Springfield Chapter No. 48, 1908. Received the R. & S. M. degrees in Springfield Council No. 17, 1911. Received the Red Cross, Malta, and Temple degrees in Palestine Commandery No. 33, 1926.
Received the various degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Dayton, 1912. He was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector General 33° on September 18, 1928.
One of the outstanding achievements of M. W. Brother Minor’s administration as Grand Master was the correction of the many deficiencies that existed in the financial set-up of the Subordinate Lodges. For the first time in the history of this Grand Jurisdiction all Subordinate Lodges were able to balance their ledgers.
Following his year as Grand Master he served upon many Committees of this Grand Lodge.
M. W. Brother Minor died at his home in Springfield, Ohio the morning of Tuesday, February 18, 1936, at the age of sixty. His death was very untimely, the previous day having been spent in ministering to the wants of his patients.
M. W. Brother Minor’s body was interred in the Fernleaf Cemetery, Section I, Lot 139, Springfield, Ohio.