Harvey Francis Ake was born near Mapleton, Ohio, on February 1, 1872. His ancestors migrated from Pennsylvania into Ohio and settled in Stark County in 1811. He attended the country schools and was graduated from Mount Union College (B. S.) in 1895 and from the University of Michigan Law School (L.L.L.B.) in 1898.
In 1899 he married Anna McCall Brush, whose father and mother were professors in Mount Union College. To this union were born two sons, both members of William McKinley Lodge No. 431, F. & A. M., of Canton, Ohio.
He was admitted to the Michigan and Ohio State Bars in 1898 and began the practice of law in Canton in 1899. He continued in the practice until 1912 when he was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the District, comprising Stark, Carroll, and Columbiana Counties. In 1918, he was re-elected without opposition. In 1923, he resigned and again entered the practice and continued until December 31, 1928. He was appointed Referee in Bankruptcy in 1926 for Stark and Carroll Counties and resigned in 1928. In 1928, he was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Division of Domestic Relations, of Stark County. In 1924, he was elected delegate to the Republican National Convention from the Counties of Stark, Wayne, Holmes, and Tuscarawas, and helped to nominate Calvin Coolidge at Cleveland, Ohio.
He was a member of the First Methodist Church (the late President McKinley’s church) at Canton, Ohio, and for many years served as a member of its official board. He also served for many years as a member of the Board of Trustees of Mount Union College and as a member of the Alumni Advisory Council of the University of Michigan. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. Harvey Ake always participated actively in all civic, welfare and charitable movements in his community. During the First World War he devoted a large part of his time in behalf of many patriotic activities. His motto was “God is found through service to man.”
Judge Ake received his Blue Lodge Degrees in William McKinley Lodge No. 431, F. & A. M., at Canton, Ohio, in 1901: Entered Apprentice, April 26, 1901; Fellowcraft, May 24, 1901; Master Mason, June 14, 1901. He served as Worshipful Master of William McKinley Lodge No. 431, F. & A. M., in 1906. District Lecturer of the Twenty-first Masonic District in 1919, serving three consecutive years. Judge Ake held honorary memberships in Blue Lodges throughout the state. He served as President of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Association of Canton, Ohio, during the construction of the present Temple building.
He was exalted in Canton Chapter No. 84, R. A. M., June 10, 1908; Advanced in Canton Council No. 35, R. & S. M., May 26, 1909; Knighted in Canton Commandery No. 38, K. T., November 9, 1909.
He received his Scottish Rite Degrees to and including the Eighteenth Degree at Canton, Ohio, having been created a Grand Elect Mason in 1918, a Prince of Jerusalem in 1919, Knight of Rose Croix in 1919. He was created a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret in Lake Erie Consistory, Cleveland, Ohio, in June, 1919, and was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector General at Dayton, Ohio, September 17, 1929, and is an honorary member of the Supreme Council, 33°, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He was a member of the St. Benedict Conclave, No. 34, Red Cross of Constantine, the Royal Order of Scotland, and Al Koran Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.
Judge Ake was appointed Right Worshipful Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1926 and served successively as Junior Grand Deacon in 1927, Grand Orator in 1928, and elected Senior Grand Warden in 1929, and Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master in 1930, and Most Worshipful Grand Master in 1931. He was the recipient of a fifty-year Jewel from tile Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1951, the presentation being made in William McKinley Lodge No. 431, F. & A. M.
He passed away quietly on April 19, 1955. Services were held in his church and was largely attended by his friends and Masonic Brethren. He was laid to rest in Northlawn Cemetery in Canton, Ohio, on April 22, 1955, Section d, Lot 457.