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NewsOhio Freemasonry

Summer 2023 Roll-Out Presentations

This month Deputy Grand Master Paul Weglage and his wife Karen will be traveling around our great state of Ohio to deliver their Roll-Out Presentations. The Grand Lodge of Ohio interviewed DGM Weglage to learn more about what these presentations are and how Ohio Masons can get involved. 

DGM Paul Weglage and his wife, Karen.

Can you explain what Roll Out events are? 

Deputy Grand Master rollouts are an informal gathering of the Masonic brethren to hear of the plans proposed by the Deputy Grand Master for the ensuing Grand Lodge year, if elected to the position of Grand Master. The Deputy Grand Master will discuss proposed plans for the lodges for the next year as they relate to the Grand Master’s Award that all the lodges strive to earn. This year my lady, Karen, will also be attending with me to give a short talk about her charity of choice. We encourage all members and their partners to join these presentations. These events happen all over Ohio at various lodges in their lodge rooms or social halls. Below is the full schedule of presentations across the state.

DGM Rollout Schedule 2023

District Date Day and Time Lodge Location

2nd 07/16/23 Sunday 2:00 PM Vandalia Lodge #726 246 N. Dixie Dr. Vandalia, OH 

6th 07/17/23 Monday, 7:00 PM Amelia Lodge #590 290 Judd Rd.  Amelia, OH 

7th 07/18/23 Tuesday, 7:00 PM Scioto Lodge #6 57 E. Main St.  Chillicothe, OH 

17th 07/19/23 Wednesday, 7:00 PM Paramuthia Lodge #25 12 Carpenter St. Athens, OH 

10th 07/24/23 Monday, 7:00 PM Lima Lodge #205 2165 N. Cole St. Lima, OH 

20th 07/25/23 Tuesday, 7:00 PM Ashland Lodge #151 31 W. 11th St. Ashland, OH 

21st 07/26/23 Wednesday, 7:00 PM Canton Lodge #60 836 N. Market St. Canton, OH 

23rd 07/27/23 Thursday, 7:00 PM Guernsey Lodge #66 730 Wheeler Ave. Cambridge, OH 

22nd 07/30/23 Sunday, 2:00 PM Quarry Lodge #382 366 Eastland Ave. Berea, OH 

11th 07/31/23 Monday, 7:00 PM Wood Cnty. No. #112 159 N. Main St. Bowling Green, OH 

14th 08/01/23 Tuesday 7:00 PM University Lodge #631 2436 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.  Col. OH 

What is the purpose of these Roll Out events?

The purpose of these events is to give the Brethren a heads up of what to expect for the ensuing Grand Lodge year. We also include a Q&A session so Ohio Masons can get a chance to get to know the potential Grand Master better.

What can Ohio Masons expect from your Roll Out presentation?

I hope that Ohio Masons are able to connect with my presentation and learn that I am a down to earth individual who likes the ritual and also likes to have fun with my brethren. I look forward to meeting the brethren and their ladies from around the state and listening to their concerns.

How can Ohio Masons catch up on Roll Out info if they aren’t near any of the locations?

They can always talk to their District Deputy Grand Masters from their districts and get filled in on the proposed plans. We also anticipate recording one of the presentations and uploading the video file to Grand View for any members who can’t attend in person.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Masons of Ohio prior to these events? 

I have really enjoyed my travels these last 6.5 years around the great state of Ohio and realize that one shoe does not fit all when it comes to dealing with the concerns of our brethren and fraternity. I hope I can express the importance of getting brethren to attend lodge as it is the purpose of our lodges as written in their charters. We are to make Masons not just members. Providing a memorable experience for our members is something we all should strive for in our lodges throughout the state. I’m very excited for this opportunity to connect with you all.

Brethren, are you attending these events? Email to let us know!