1. The Prospect has already reached out to us. Now you must take the next step and be willing to try more than once.
    1. Call the Prospect on the phone as a first step. Try to call before or after normal business hours.
    2. If they don’t answer, leave a brief message: introduce yourself with name, lodge, and invite them to call back or check their email. Send an email follow up (don’t rely on email as a first or only contact)
    3. If it’s been 7 days since you’ve called and emailed, try calling and emailing again. 
    4. Consider sending a text message to the Prospect if you haven’t heard from them via phone call or email. 
    5. Go through this process a total of three times if you don’t hear from him.
    6. If you still haven’t heard from the Prospect, assume they are no longer interested.
  2. When you make contact:
    1. Introduce yourself, the name and number of your Lodge, and ask them if they’re still interested in becoming an Ohio Mason.
    2. If they are, explain that you’d like to schedule a time to meet and get to know each other. 
  3. Schedule the meeting at a time that works for them and either in their home or in a comfortable space. Make sure they’re aware the meeting could last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Remind them that their family does not have to be present but that they’re more than welcome to be there to ask questions.
  4. Confirm the meeting with the Prospect two days before the meeting. Call or email them to confirm. 
  5. Before the meeting, ensure you have a list of questions ready to ask the Prospect. We’ve provided a few questions for you to use below!
  6. When you arrive at the meeting, thank the Prospect for taking time to speak with you and that you’re looking forward to getting to know them.
  7. Throughout the meeting remember these key talking points. Sharing your experiences and passion for Freemasonry is the fraternity’s best recruitment tool.
    1. Be proud of our thriving fraternity! Ohio Freemasonry is thriving with over 450 Lodges in the state. Each year the Grand Lodge welcomes over 1,000 men to join and discover the benefits of our organization.
    2. Freemasonry is a tight-knit and diverse Brotherhood. As Masons we want to build true friendships with men who share a desire to improve ourselves while doing good in the world.
    3. Remind them of our charitable culture and dedication to giving back. It’s little things like spaghetti dinners, bake sales, and collecting donations that make huge differences in our community.
  8. Welcome any inquiry they may have – remember, you were once a curious Prospect too!
  9. At the end of the meeting thank them for their time and remind them of how they can Petition to their local Lodge.

Questions to Ask During the Meeting

  • Where are you from?
  • What do you do for work?
  • How did you find out about Ohio Freemasonry?
  • What do you know about Freemasonry?
  • Do you have any friends or family members that are Masons?
    • What is their experience in the fraternity?
    • Do they know you’re interested in membership?
  • Do you have children or a spouse?
    • Have you told them about your interest in Ohio Masonry?
  • What types of activities do you do outside of work?
  • Do you have any questions about Freemasonry I can answer?

Have other questions about communicating with a prospective Mason? Ask your Lodge Secretary at your next Lodge meeting!