How does Freemasonry work?
Freemasonry functions on at least three levels:
1) Philosophically, Freemasonry is a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. This classic definition is used by many grand lodges around the world. Morality encompasses ethical principles of right and wrong, and adherence to these principles is one reason that Masons are often considered trusted leaders, employees, and volunteers.
2) Organizationally, Freemasonry is a nonprofit, private association that operates as a grand lodge with a network of subordinate Masonic lodges. In these lodges, members are received and cared for, lessons and ceremonies are conducted, and social events and fellowship opportunities are held.
3) Freemasonry is also a “way of life” for good men–Freemasons–who apply Masonic principles to their daily activities, both personal and professional. By so doing, men work to become the best they can be for themselves, their families, and their communities. Most of the fellowship and service to humanity that is inspired by Masonic teachings happens at this level of individual action.