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Ohio Freemasonry

Interview with 2024 Junior Grand Warden

*This interview was conducted in 2024 when Bro. McCandlish was the active Junior Grand Warden. For a full list of up to date Grand Lodge of Ohio leadership please refer to our leadership page.

Please introduce yourself. Tell us your name, title, home lodge, and how long you’ve been a Freemason.

I am RWB Mike McCandlish, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. My home lodge is Lancaster #57 and I am a plural member of Rushville #211, both in the Lucky 13th District. I have been an Ohio Mason for eighteen years and began a masonic life in the 1970’s as a DeMolay. I am a third generation Lewis.

My wife of 35 years, Becky, and I have two children, Valerie and her husband Will who live in Columbus and my son Connor who lives in Lancaster. Becky and I have lived in Lancaster our entire lives.

Tell us about how and why you became a Grand Lodge Officer? When did you join? 

I was approached by MWB Keith Newton in August of 2020, to fill an unfortunate vacancy due to a death in the Grand Lodge Officer Line. It would be an understatement to say I was shocked with the opportunity – all I ever aspired to achieve as a Mason was that of being Master of my lodge. 

After several days of deliberation with my wife Becky about the challenges and opportunity to promote this gentle craft, we realized what an incredible honor it is to be a Grand Lodge Officer. I was installed in my home with the Grand Master and the Grand Chaplain in person and the rest of the Grand Lodge officers attending via zoom as we were in the height of the pandemic. Everything that has happened since has been so inexplicable and humbling. Becky and I get the chance to meet and share experiences with so many friends we have made on this journey and to listen to how Freemasonry operates all over the country, not just in Ohio.

What is the role of the Junior Grand Warden? What are your responsibilities?

Every year responsibilities change for the progressive officers.This year along with various Grand Lodge committee assignments and the Advisory Committee, the Junior Grand Warden becomes the President of the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation. Planning for other annual events also becomes a big part of the focus for the coming years and coordination of the events that will take place soon. As an elected officer, we attend the Conference of Grand Masters of North America, and we coordinate efforts for the future planning of Ohio Freemasonry.

What does it mean to you to be part of the Grand Lodge of Ohio leadership?

It is an incredible honor to be able to be a part of shaping and guiding the programs and decisions that we embrace as the core of our fraternity. As leaders, we are able to serve members of our grand jurisdiction as well as all the appendant bodies of Masonry in the promotion of the craft to all that see us and to share the tremendous opportunity to make our world a better place through our actions and words. Each and every one of us gets the chance to show why Freemasonry should be the standard of conduct as a good human being, and we must not rest on our laurels if we want to change society, which needs us now more than ever.

What do you hope for the future of Ohio Freemasonry?

All of us, as Freemasons, need to understand that we can greatly affect our communities by our involvement and support. I would love to see that through our commitment to each other, we can grow properly and effectively. Through the local lodge experience and the fellowship of our gatherings and meetings, I would like to see our members share in their leadership growth and expand their friendship circles. These shared experiences will serve as the catalyst for future growth and will strengthen our membership at the local lodge level. The support of our masonic youth groups is just as important, and as a Senior DeMolay, I am encouraged by the renewed growth these groups are achieving.

We are given the opportunity to bring decorum and respect to society, and each brother can be such an important example of civility, kindness and charity. With a willingness to work towards serving others, our gentle craft will undoubtedly grow internally and externally.

Do you have any advice for members looking to get involved?

Our members know others who would be good Masons and benefit their lodges. Each of us should understand the importance of sharing with others the positive aspects of why we find importance in Freemasonry. We are our best marketers.

For those who have recently become Master Masons, step outside the comfort zone and challenge yourself by taking on roles or parts of committees, degree work, or lodge operations. Spend time with those who are in the local lodge leadership to understand where you might fit in – there are always opportunities to be involved and you will certainly benefit not only yourself, but your lodge will benefit as well.

Anything else you’d like to share?  

Freemasonry is a personal journey for each one of us.  I cannot imagine what life would be like for me had I not started in DeMolay and progressed to becoming a Master Mason. I have learned servant leadership, responsibility, spiritual growth and values that are employed in both my private and professional lives. I am a better son, husband, father and friend because of the experiences and lessons learned as a part of all the masonic associations I have.  This fraternity changes us and makes us better. 

I have made more meaningful, lasting and important friendships through this fraternity and cannot be more appreciative of them. The old saying of you only get out of something as much as you put into it is quite true, and the rewards of involvement in our craft are far greater than you can imagine if you apply the efforts. 

Interested in reading more interviews with this year’s Grand Lodge Officer Line? Read our blogs with our 2024 Grand Treasurer and Junior Grand Deacon!

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